Zentyal launches the first commercial Zentyal Server Editions natively compatible with Microsoft® Exchange Server


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Zentyal, developer of easy IT solutions for small business , has announced that Commercial Zentyal Editions are now natively compatible with Microsoft® Exchange Server. Thus, Zentyal has become the first company in the world to offer an alternative to this technology.

Commercial Editions of Zentyal Server have been updated with the Service Pack 1, effectively allowing the companies to seamlessly migrate their Microsoft® Exchange servers to fully supported Zentyal servers, without any downtime being experienced by their users.

“Over 60% of the on-premise business mailboxes run on Microsoft® Exchange Server. Starting from today, Zentyal is the only 100% compatible native alternative for these users” said Ignacio Correas, CEO at Zentyal. “Integrating this new technology in our Commercial Editions, we are giving companies all around the world a choice to decide which solution is better suited based on their technical needs and budget.”

With the inclusion of Service Pack 1, the Commercial Zentyal Editions offer Microsoft® Exchange Server compatibility in terms of mail, contacts and calendars. Being a native and transparent implementation, Microsoft Outlook clients are unable to perceive the difference between a Microsoft Exchange Server or a Zentyal Server.

“We have developed a technology that allows native interoperability with Microsoft Exchange protocols, and we have done so by adhering to Zentyal’s easy-to-use solutions philosophy”, commented Julien Kerihuel, CTO at Zentyal.

Channel opportunities

To reach the SMB market, Zentyal trusts on the distribution channel. Authorized Partners are key in Zentyal’s business strategy and, after this announcement, IT support and service providers are empowered with the flexibility to choose which option best suits their need.

Zentyal offers a hybrid model, not forcing the customer to adopt a pure cloud service. Since the discontinuation of Microsoft Small Business Server, there is a growing push to take the resellers to the cloud. However, 85% of the Microsoft Exchange installations are not based on the cloud. In addition, the on-premises server market is expected to continue growing, with over 100 million new, non-cloud Exchange users in the next five years*.

Zentyal grants the channel control over the technology through its commitment to the hybrid model, with more security and simpler migration options. Thus, IT support and service providers can choose the alternative that best suits them and their customers.

For more information, please watch Ignacio Correas, CEO at Zentyal, “Zentyal: 2014 in Review” talk during Zentyal Summit 2013.

The new Commercial Editions of Zentyal Server are already available from Zentyal’s Authorized Partners. Find more information about the Zentyal Partner Program and you will receive an invitation to to an exclusive webinar on Zentyal’s products.

* Microsoft® Exchange, Office® 365, and Outlook® Market Analysis, 2013 – 201. The Radicati Group, INC.

About Zentyal

Zentyal designs and develops IT solutions for small and medium businesses since 2004. The company provides SMBs and their local IT providers all-in-one IT solutions that are easy to use, from the server to the cloud. Zentyal-based solutions allow SMBs to reduce and rationalize IT investments, improve the security and minimize system downtime.

Zentyal-based solutions are widely used by small and medium businesses independently of their activity or location, as well as by public administration or the education sector. The partnership agreements signed with IT support and service providers in more than 20 countries guarantee the distribution of Zentyal-based solutions to customers worldwide.