Zentyal presentation about Samba4 and Single sign-on integration at LOAD (31 March, Antwerp, Belgium)


Jorge Salamero, Zentyal systems analyst and developer, will give a talk at the Linux Open Administration Days (LOAD) that will be held in Antwerp (Belgium) on the 31st of March and 1st of April 2012. The talk entitled “Challenges of Samba 4 and SSO integration” will take place on the 31st of March, within the Python track.

The next stable Zentyal release (Zentyal 3.0) will be published in September 2012 and it will integrate Samba 4, offering a full replacement for Microsoft Active Directory to manage network users and resources. During his talk, Salamero will explain the challenges the Zentyal Development Team has faced when integrating Samba 4 with technologies such as OpenLDAP and Kerberos.

“The biggest challenge of Samba 4 integration is to make it work with LDAP Directory server and Single sign-on configuration. This makes possible, for example, that the user can change his Windows Desktop password and the existing mail system keeps working as it is able to authenticate the user with the new password” said Jorge Salamero, and continued “The first beta version of Zentyal 3.0 including Samba 4 has been published already and I’m glad to share our experience on the integration.”

Additional note: Zentyal Team will be in Belgium and the Netherlands from the 30th of March until the 3rd of April. If you are interested in arranging a meeting, please contact us via info at zentyal.wpenginepowered.com