Zentyal presentation and training event (13 May, Budapest, Hungary)


Zentyal Development Team will be in Budapest, Hungary, for the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) held from the 9th until the 15th of May. To make most of the stay, Zentyal and Prolin (Authorized Zentyal Partner in Hungary) have organized a training event that will be held on Friday, 13th of May, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Hotel Mercure Budapest Metropol (Rakoczi ut 58, H-1074, Budapest).

The event is specially aimed at system administrators interested in migrating from Windows server environments to easy-to-use Linux server environment, based on Zentyal. During the event, the attendees are given a brief introduction to Zentyal server and two technical demostrations, one on migrating from Microsoft Exchange Server to Zentyal and the second one on building a secure network gateway with Zentyal.

The event is free of charge, but registration is required to estimate number of attendees. You can register simply by sending an email to [email protected], indicating your name and your company name. Below you can find the detailed program.

Zentyal Training Event Program (13th of May, Budapest, Hungary)
17:30 – 18:00 Registration
18:00 – 18:20 Zentyal, the Linux Small Business Server, Ignacio Correas, CEO at Zentyal
18:20 – 19:00 Migrating from a Microsoft Exchange Server to Zentyal, Jorge Salamero, System Analyst at Zentyal
19:00 – 19:40 Building a secure gateway with Zentyal, Krisztián Czakó, CEO at ProLin
19:40 – 20:00 Open floor discussion

Place: Hotel Mercure Budapest Metropol (Rakoczi ut 58, H-1074, Budapest). For registration or any additional inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].