Zentyal Server 6.0 Commercial now available


  • A major new commercial version of Zentyal Server is now available
  • Features backup module and user authentication in HTTP Proxy

November 29th, 2018, Zaragoza – Zentyal today announced a major new version of the Commercial Zentyal Server Edition, Zentyal Server 6.0. This new commercial version of Zentyal Server aims at offering an easy-to-use Linux alternative to Windows Server®. It comes with native Microsoft Active Directory® interoperability, together with all the network services required in corporate environments.

The two most important new features introduced by this version are the backup module and the option to configure user authentication in HTTP Proxy, allowing to create browsing rules by user groups. Other new features include Network authentication service (RADIUS) – that allows access control to wireless networks and securing of critical enterprise networks, and Virtualization Manager, making it possible to run other virtualized machines on top of Zentyal Server.

Zentyal Server 6.0 is based on Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS and comes with the latest versions of all the integrated software. Besides being built on a new base distribution, Zentyal Server 6.0 comes with the latest stable Samba version available for Ubuntu Server. It also comes with the Linux 4.15 Kernel, providing support for the most recent hardware.

Technical features

New features and improvements include:

  • New base distribution: Ubuntu 18.04.1 Long Term Support
  • Linux 4.15 kernel with support for most recent hardware
  • Samba 4.7
  • Network authentication service (RADIUS) module
  • Virtualization Manager module
  • User authentication in HTTP Proxy
  • Backup module

Free 45-day Trial of the Commercial Zentyal Server Edition 6.0 is available upon request at:


Additional information

Full list of Zentyal Server 6.0 features is available at:


The Zentyal Server source code is available at:


The full change log from Zentyal Server 5.1 to 6.0 is available at:


About Zentyal

Zentyal designs and develops the Zentyal Linux Small Business Server since 2004. Zentyal Server incorporates all the network services required in a small and medium business environment, most importantly the first-ever native Microsoft Active Directory® implementation on Linux that is easy to use.

With Zentyal Server there is no need to use command line, but system administrators can manage all the network services via graphical user interface. Zentyal-based solutions allow SMBs to reduce and rationalize IT investments, improve the security and minimize system downtime.

Zentyal Linux Small Business Server is widely used by small and medium businesses independently of their activity or location, as well as by public administration or the education sector. The partnership agreements signed with IT support and service providers in more than 20 countries guarantee the distribution of Zentyal-based solutions to customers worldwide.