Zentyal server Release Policy published!


Zentyal, the developer of a Linux small business server of the same name, published today the release policy that Zentyal servers will follow from the 2.0 release onwards. This release policy defines, for the first time, frequency and timetable as well as the official support policy of the stable releases.

“Until now, we have followed a six-month release cycle, adding many new features with every version, with the goal of completing the functionality of the Zentyal server” said José Antonio Calvo, Zentyal Product Manager. “Although we will continue developing and adding new features to Zentyal, we believe that it is time to shift our focus from adding many new features towards stability and long-term support. With the freshly published release policy, that grants three years of support for every stable release, we make an important promise to our users and customers regarding the quality and stability of the product.”

As the release policy specifies, from now on there will be one stable release every year. The development will be frozen in June and after a three months stabilization period, the stable releases will be published in September. Regarding the support policy, the Development Team of Zentyal guarantees three years of support to every stable release. This means that all security issues will be solved and commercial support and subscription services will be available for this period of time.