Zentyal signs with 5 German partners and will be present at CeBIT


Zentyal, developer of easy IT solutions for small business, announced today that it has signed partnership agreements with Teuto.net, iBackOffice, Inett, Ritter IT Consult and Fodof. All of these companies are Registered Partners that offer IT solutions to small and medium businesses (SMBs) in the German market. Thanks to these agreements, SMBs from West, South and Central Germany gain access to Zentyal-based IT solutions through a local provider.

“We receive many requests from potential German customers interested in switching to a Zentyal-based solution. It is very positive that we can now guarantee that they have a certified partner relatively close”, said Ignacio Correas, CEO of Zentyal. “We are channel-focused company that would like to sell all our solutions through the local IT providers. The first agreement with a German partner was signed six months ago, so we can say that we are progressing rapidly towards this goal”.

Two of the partners -Teuto.net and iBackOffice- are located in North Rhine-Westphalia. Teuto.net, a system integrator and ISP with offices in Bielefeld, specializes on network management, web development, hosting and Internet services, while iBackOffice, located in Aachen, offers SMBs a complete IT solution in-house and from the cloud, IT consultancy and services. Inett is a IT business services company that offers computer and network technology services, Linux support, groupware, firewall and virtualization products from Saarbrücken, in Saarland. And in the Southern Germany, in Bavaria, Zentyal counts on two partners: Ritter IT Consult, in Waldaschaff (near Frankfurt), offers IT consultancy and services for small and medium businesses and Fodof, in München, a software and hardware infrastructure provider also focused on SMBs.

Zentyal will be present at CeBIT

banner1_e Thanks to Teuto.net, one of the recently signed German partners, Zentyal will be present at CeBIT, the most important IT event in Europe, that will take place from 5th to 9th of March in Hannover (Germany). The stand of Teuto.net will be set at Hall 6, Stand 16 (030). Attendees will have the chance to find out about the Zentyal-based solution that Teuto offers to its customers, a turnkey solution that integrates the Zentyal Small Business Edition into a hardware appliance, giving small business customers a quick access to a professional IT infrastructure.