Zentyal Small Business and Zentyal Enterprise Server Editions now available!


Zentyal, developer of the Linux small business server of the same name, announced today the availability of two fully supported commercial server editions. The Zentyal Small Business Edition is aimed at small businesses that want to use Zentyal as a stand-alone server and the Zentyal Enterprise Edition is aimed at organizations that deploy multiple Zentyal servers. Both editions include support, updates and maintenance tools at one single price.

“These new server editions guarantee that our customers have fully supported and secure server at one single, very affordable price” said Ignacio Correas, Zentyal CEO, and continued “It is easy to choose the server edition your business needs and it is easy and secure to install, configure and maintain your Zentyal server. The feedback we have received prior to the launch has been extremely positive and we believe this will be a great server choice for any small and medium business.”

Both the Small Business Edition and the Enterprise Edition are immediately available for purchase through the Zentyal On-line Store, together with Disaster Recovery and Zarafa Small Business add-ons. The Zentyal Community Edition users will be automatically upgraded to the commercial server edition once they have purchased the edition of their choice.