Zentyal Summit 2011 announced (November 11-12, Zaragoza, Spain)


Zentyal, the developer of the Linux small business server of the same name, today announced the first Zentyal Summit taking place in Zaragoza (Spain) on the 11th and 12th of November 2011. The event offers a meeting place to share experiences, meet and discuss with other Zentyal users and developers, discuss the roadmap of the next release, attend training sessions or take the ZeCA certification exam. The summit is open to all and it is specially aimed at current and potential Zentyal customers, partners, community members and users.

The Summit program will include presentations on Zentyal server use cases, migration and integration projects, community collaborations and initiatives, as well as partner and customer experiences and practical training workshops. Zentyal Summit will be held right after the Libre Software World Conference 2011, that will take place in Zaragoza on the 9th and 10th of November.

“We believe that we’ve come to the point where it is necessary for the people involved in the project to meet once a year to chat, exchange experiences, make business contacts, engage with developers and community members, plan the next release or just have fun and share some time together. Zentyal Summit is that meeting place!” said Ignacio Correas, Zentyal CEO.

The call for talks is now open and it is also possible to register to the event at the Zentyal Summit website. The preliminary program will be published shortly and the definitive program will announced in October.