Zentyal Summit 2012 key speaker confirmed


Zentyal S.L., developer of the Zentyal Linux small business server, is pleased to announce that Tom Henriksson, Partner at Open Ocean Capital, will join Zentyal Summit 2012 as a key speaker. Mr Henriksson will deliver his talk, “The keys to identify and scale category-winning open source companies”, in the opening session of Zentyal Summit 2012, on the 4th of October.

Tom Henriksson is Partner at Open Ocean Capital, a leading early-stage venture capital company, with a particular emphasis on European start-ups deploying user community or open source business models. Open Ocean was the first major owner in MySQL AB, which was later sold to Sun Microsystems for $1 billion in 2008.

Zentyal Summit 2012 will be held on the 4th and 5th of October in Zaragoza, Spain. The event offers a meeting place for IT providers, small and medium business owners, users and developers interested or involved in Linux-based IT infrastructure solutions for small and medium businesses. The Summit program will include presentations on Zentyal server use cases, migration and integration projects, community initiatives as well as training workshops.

There is no registration fee, but the number of seats available is limited, so early registration is highly recommended.