

OEM Partners work closely with the Zentyal Team to integrate Zentyal in the products they sell or to create fully new products under their own label. These products are developed, tested and delivered on-demand, according to OEM requirements, time-lines and quality standards.

Become a OEM

box full of gears and one zentyal gear

people talking near an Elekta machine

“Elekta found in Zentyal a solution which brought together all the required elements in one integrated package. What is more, the support and partnership provided to develop it into a unique and tailored product was excellent. Zentyal’s flexible and responsive involvement was essential to the delivery of this important component of our radiotherapy product suite.”

James Troke, Project Manager, Elekta

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What can be done

Are you missing a piece of functionality in your product and you want to explore if Zentyal could be a good fit to provide it? Do you want to create your own Zentyal-based product? Or are you simply missing a piece of functionality in the existing Zentyal Server product to make it a perfect match for your customers?

What ever are you needs, we are open to explore how we could help you. We work with OEMs to adapt the existing Zentyal Server code and to develop new features both for Zentyal Server and remote management of Zentyal deployments. Rebranding options are also available.

  • Adaptation of existing code
  • Development of new functionality
  • Rebranding

How we work

While evaluating the technical feasibility of the project, we focus heavily on defining detailed user stories in order to guarantee that the technical requirements are correct from the start. Once both technical and economical feasibility of the project have been ensured and the necessary contracts are in place, we start working to deliver the project according to OEM requirements, time-lines and quality standards.

Depending on your Team needs, experience and availability, besides carrying out development and project management tasks, we can also help in the testing and QA processes. Most of our OEM customers also count on our maintenance and support services once the project has been delivered.

  1. Definition of technical requirements
  2. Development
  3. Project management
  4. Testing and QA processes
  5. Maintenance and Support

Please submit a partnership request for further details.