Zentyal 6.0 Announcement

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Zentyal Development Team is proud to announce Zentyal Server 6.0, a new release of the Zentyal Open Source Linux Server with native Microsoft Active Directory® interoperability.


Zentyal Server 6.0 is based on the latest Ubuntu Sever 18.04.1 LTS and comes with the most recent versions of all the integrated software. Most important new features and improvements include:

  • Linux 4.15 kernel with support for most recent hardware
  • Samba 4.7
  • New RADIUS module
  • New Virtualization Manager module

In addition, this new major version comes with important bugfixes and usability improvements, specially in the core, the installer and also in OpenVPN and Antivirus modules (see full changelog for details).
Full list of supported features available at http://www.zentyal.org/server/#server-features


To migrate from Zentyal 5.X to 6.0, you only need to upgrade your 5.0 or 5.1 installation to the last available packages and a button will appear on the dashboard. Please remember to backup your deployment before proceeding with the upgrade.


Here is the APT source entry for Zentyal 6.0:

deb http://archive.zentyal.org/zentyal 6.0 main

Full Change Log

You can read the full change log from 5.1 to 6.0 here.

About Zentyal

Zentyal designs and develops the Zentyal Linux Server since 2004. Zentyal Server incorporates all the network services required in corporate environments, most importantly the first-ever native Microsoft Active Directory® implementation on Linux that is easy to use.

With Zentyal Server there is no need to use command line, but system administrators can manage all the network services via graphical user interface. Zentyal-based solutions allow companies to reduce and rationalize IT investments, improve the security and minimize system downtime.

Zentyal Server is widely used by companies independently of their size, activity or location, as well as by public administration or the education sector. The partnership agreements signed with IT support and service providers in more than 20 countries guarantee the distribution of Zentyal-based solutions to customers worldwide.

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