Fully updated Zentyal on-line training courses available

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  • Courses cover all the Zentyal Server functionality and prepare for the ZeCA certification exam
  • An introductory course is made available at no cost

Zentyal today announced the availability of five official Zentyal Server on-line training courses in Spanish and English. Zentyal offers an easy-to-use alternative to Windows Server® and the certified training helps with quick onboarding for all and specially for new Linux users. The courses are based on the latest stable Zentyal Server version (6.0) and cover all the Zentyal Server functionality.  The “Introduction to Zentyal Server”-course is offered free of charge and it helps to take the first steps with the system, walking the students through the installation process, fundamental terms and concepts and the configuration of the most essential services.

The courses are aimed at system administrators and IT providers, who are interested in deploying Zentyal as a corporate server according to best practices. The theoretical introductions, practical examples, exercises and tips aim at providing the students the understanding and practical knowledge to configure and manage a corporate computer network safely and effectively. Simultaneously, the courses prepare the students for the ZeCA certification exam, that will be launched later this month.

Courses include:

Introduction to Zentyal Server: provides a brief introduction to Zentyal Server project and helps to take the first steps with the system. The course covers installation process, fundamental terms and concepts and the configuration of the most essential services. Price: Free. Join here.

Zentyal as an Infrastructure Server: focuses on the network services used by Zentyal to manage the local network infrastructure and to optimize internal traffic, allowing to deploy DNS/DHCP, NTP, Certification Authority and VPNs. Price: 119€. Read more and purchase here.

Zentyal as a Gateway: provides the knowledge and skills in Zentyal to make organization’s network more reliable and secure by defining policies, managing bandwidth usage and detecting threats in internal and external networks. Price: 119€. Read more and purchase here.

Zentyal as a Domain & Directory Server: focuses on Zentyal as a domain and directory server with native compatibility with Microsoft Active Directory®, making possible central management of users, groups and computers or file sharing in Windows® environments. Price: 119€. Read more and purchase here.

Zentyal as a Communications Server: concentrates on email and instant messaging services integrated in Zentyal, providing the knowledge and skills to configure Zentyal as a secure SMTP/POP3-IMAP4 server with webmail and ActiveSync®. Price: 119€. Read more and purchase here.

The estimated duration of the courses varies from 5 to 9 hours. Students complete the courses at their own pace and have 30 days to complete each course.

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