How-to: Create a Zentyal Server VM for macOS with VirtualBox (Video tutorial)

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Want to test Zentyal on Mac? Or would you like your fellow Mac sysadmin to take a look at Zentyal? Lately the Zentyal Team is seeing a growing interest in deploying Zentyal in Mac environments. As you need to keep in mind few tricks when creating Zentyal VM for macOS, we have prepared this step-by-step video tutorial on how to do it:

This 15-minute video will walk you through the creation of Zentyal VM on VirtualBox on Mac. You will see how to install VirtualBox, how to configure the Zentyal virtual machine (memory, hard disk, storage, file location and size…) and boot it. You will also be taken through the initial installation and configuration process (Zentyal as a Domain Controller & File Sharing, DNS Server and Firewall).

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