New Zentyal Certification Exam Launched

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  • The ZeCA certification exam is aimed at IT professionals who want to validate their Zentyal knowledge with vendor-certified exam

Zentyal today announced a new version of the Zentyal Certified Associate (ZeCA) exam. It validates the knowledge and skills required of IT professionals to manage Zentyal Server deployments in business environments. ZeCA exam has been thoroughly revised and updated and it covers all the functionality included in the latest stable Zentyal Server version (6.0).

The candidates who pass the exam dominate the Zentyal Server architecture, configuration and management of all the network services provided by Zentyal. Also, they are able to effectively and safely maintain a computer network and to migrate from Windows Server to Zentyal. Areas where the candidates are evaluated include:

  • General knowledge of networks and Linux
  • Zentyal Server architecture
  • Zentyal as a Infrastructure server
  • Zentyal as a Firewall
  • Zentyal as a Domain & Directory server
  • Zentyal as a Communications server

The exam is aimed at IT professionals who are interested in deploying Zentyal as a corporate server and who want to validate their Zentyal knowledge with vendor-certified exam. There are no prerequisites for taking the exam. However, official on-line training courses or the official Zentyal book help to prepare for it.

The ZeCA exam is taken on-line and it is made available in English and Spanish. The price of the exam is 119€. Candidates interested in preparing for the exam with the official training materials are offered a Zentyal Training Bundle (courses, book and ZeCA exam voucher) with 30% discount. For more information, see all the details of the Zentyal Certified Associate (ZeCA) exam and the Zentyal Training Bundle.

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