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Server Admin ToDo List When Going Remote

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In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak many businesses are going remote. Suddenly having to support an entirely remote staff and remotely manage all the systems, is putting a lots of pressure on system administrators and IT departments.

If you are in charge of managing your organization’s server, we would recommend you to take into account at least the following points:

  • You should have a recent server backup. If the server is virtualized, you could evaluate using snapshots. In case of Zentyal, keep in mind that configuration backup is not a full server backup.
  • Make sure your system is up to date.
  • Check the server log files for possible anomalies. In case of Zentyal, check at least: /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log and /var/log/syslog
  • Make sure you are familiar with the ways your server can be managed. In case of Zentyal: SSH, HTTPS and VPN.
  • Analyze what kind of access you need to provide to system administrators and users.
  • Recommend the use of VPNs for remote users when they connect to server resources, such as personal directories or shared resources. In case of Zentyal, we recommend using the OpenVPN module.
  • Audit the permissions configured on the resources that users will have access to. The purpose is to mitigate the impact produced by an attack from the user’s device (ransomware, theft/loss of equipment…).
  • Monitor server resources and the server accesses.

For further information, please remember to check out the Official Zentyal Documentation. We believe that the documentation regarding Zentyal Server Maintenance and How to configure OpenVPN Server with Zentyal are specially helpful topics.

Finally, do not forget to document your network and share the documentation with your team. If you  have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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