Zentyal 3.2-rc2 available for download!

adminNews 4 Comments

The Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce the availability of the second and last Zentyal Server 3.2 release candidate (Zentyal 3.2-rc2)! This release candidate is available for download at www.zentyal.org/beta. The next stable Zentyal Server version, Zentyal 3.2, will be published in just 5 days, on the 19th of September.

Zentyal 3.2-rc2 comes with several bug fixes and corrections introduced since the RC1, but most importantly, this release candidate ships new migration code to ease upgrades from Zentyal 3.0 installations to Zentyal 3.2. As we are now very close to the official release date, we urge you to join the ultimate test sprint. The following testing options are on the table:

  • Start with a fresh installation of Zentyal 3.2-rc2 with Internet connection to make sure that the latest versions of the packages have been downloaded.
  • If you already have a Zentyal 3.1-rc1 installed, upgrade the full system by using the Software Management module or with apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade in command line.
  • And if you want to test the upgrade from a Zentyal 3.0 installation, just do the following:

    sudo sed -i 's|zentyal/3.0|zentyal/3.1|g' /etc/apt/sources.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Please remember this release candidate is not yet intended to be used for production purposes and should only be tested in a non critical environment. We are looking forward to receiving your feedback both on-line and on-site in the Release Party and/or Zentyal Summit!

Comments 4

  1. I try to migrate 3.0.26 to 3.2Rc2 with following commands :
    sudo sed -i ā€˜s|zentyal/3.0|zentyal/3.1|gā€™ /etc/apt/sources.list
    Error :
    -bash: zentyal/3.1: No such file or directory
    -bash: zentyal/3.0: No such file or directory
    -bash: $’g\342\200\231′: command not found
    sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `?’

    Can you help me ! Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi Florian! Thanks for the note! The CMS applied an automatic correction to one of the commands, we have now fixed this in the news.

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