Zentyal 3.3, featuring Microsoft Exchange Server replacement, is now available

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The Zentyal Development Team proudly announces the release of Zentyal Server 3.3, a new version of the Linux alternative to Windows Small Business Server and Microsoft Exchange Server. The most significant benefit it introduces is the option to configure Zentyal as a native Microsoft Exchange replacement.

Thanks to the OpenChange integration, it is possible to configure Zentyal Server as an on-premise Microsoft Exchange Server replacement with only two clicks and assign users the most common Microsoft Exchange services just as easily. Users can access these services through a web interface, or continue to use Microsoft Outlook clients as usual without having to install any additional software or plug-in on their computers.

“With the first Technology Preview provided during Zentyal Summit 2013, we offered a glimpse of how the Zentyal could offer native interoperability with Microsoft Exchange Server. Now, we are able to fully integrate this technology in Zentyal Server 3.3 , along many other new and exciting features”, commented Julien Kerihuel, CTO of Zentyal and Founder of OpenChange.

In addition, Zentyal 3.3 supports Autodiscovery and offers Virtual Domain hosting. It offers compatibility with Microsoft Outlook 2003 and preliminary access to calendars, contacts, mail and calendar via webmail. Since Zentyal offers a native implementation of Microsoft Exchange, users can not distinguish if their Microsoft Outlook client is using Microsoft Exchange Server or Zentyal, making migrations to Zentyal fully transparent.

Zentyal Server 3.3 Feature list:

Microsoft Exchange Server migration tool

  • Calendars (default folder)
  • Contacts

Native Microsoft Exchange Server replacement

  • Provisioning of Zentyal as first Microsoft Exchange Server
  • Provisioning of Zentyal as additional Microsoft Exchange Server
  • User management
  • Autodiscovery support
  • Virtual Domain hosting


  • Email Support (IMAP)
  • Calendar Support (MAPI)
  • Contact Support (MAPI)
  • Global Address List Support (AD)


  • Improved exception management system
  • General bugfixing and improvements
  • UI, style and menu improvements
  • More responsive pages through partial AJAX updates


Zentyal Server 3.3 is released under the GPLv2 license and is freely available for download at:

The Zentyal Server source code is available at:

Additional information

The full change log from Zentyal 3.2 to 3.3 is available at:

Provisional documentation (Official documentation coming soon):



Comments 23

  1. Pingback: Zentyal 3.3 | get GNU

  2. Pingback: QuebecOS » Zentyal Server 3.3

  3. Pingback: 集成的网络服务器Zentyal 3.3 发布 | 新世纪Linux社区

  4. Pingback: Zentyal 3.3 发布,集成的网络服务器 - IT讯息,最新IT咨询

  5. Pingback: Zentyal 3.3リリース、統合されたネットワークサーバー | フリーソフト/無料ソフト startnews24

  6. Pingback: News - Zentyal 3.3, featuring Microsoft Exchange Server ... | cPanel Knowledge

  7. Pingback: Linux e… » Distribution Release: Zentyal 3.3

  8. Pingback: Zentyal 3.3 Linux | NewsCanada-PLUS News, Technology Driven Media Network

  9. Hi There, is there a migration guide/tool available? I would like to migrate from windows sbs 2k3 to Zentyal 3.3.

    It rocks that we finally have an alternative to windows!

    Thank you so much.

  10. Pingback: Nuova Zentyal 3.3 | Litesys.net

    1. Hi Eugie! With Zentyal 3.3, set a VPN because opening a MSRPC upfront to the Internet is not a best practice. With Zentyal 3.4 we will provide support for the Outlook Anywhere feature. For further questions, please use the Official Forum at http://forum.zentyal.org

  11. Pingback: Zentyal安全网关Captive portal | 高进波Linux博客

  12. Is there a user limit for outlook clients on Zentyal when the openchange module is used on the community edition?

    1. Hi Raymond! No, there is no user limit for Outlook clients (the Zentyal Community Edition does not have any kind of user limits).

      1. Hi, is there a groupware webfrontend for openchange like zarafa has? We are using zarafa right now and most of our staff uses the webinterface at home to look up their calender, contacts, emails, tasks ect.

  13. Hi, I’m curious in case if there’s a tool to Migrate from Zentyal to Exchange 2013!?

    Some customers like to use Linux based mail systems due to their price but sometimes after they use them they prefer to migrate to Exchange due to the interoperability and integration exchange provides with other Microsoft products such as Sharepoint, Lync..etc

    Any advise would be appreciated.

    1. Hi Mohammed! Thanks for your feedback. At the moment there is no migration tool from Zentyal to Exchange 2013. However, as Zentyal uses exactly the same protocols as Exchange (MAPI) the migration back to Exchange would naturally be easy.

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