Zentyal 6.2 Changelog

adminChangelog 3 Comments


    • Improve zentyal.antivirus-clamonacc service management
    • Add new scripts to Freshclam’s Apparmor profile
    • Remove ScanOnAccess in favor of OnAccessExcludeUname
    • Add new systemd service for antivirus-clamonacc
    • Add new regex for logging purposes


    • Change CRL expiration days to 3650 according to the OpenVPN recommendations


    • Fix root’s emails counter in the Smart Admin report
    • Improve Smart Admin report
    • Fix wrong exit code from Zentyal cron job
    • Fix wrong redirection in Smart Admin report generation
    • Add AppArmor as disabled service (waiting for new profiles)
    • Add AppArmor as dependency


    • Respect the DHCP interface state when generating the dhcpd.conf fix #1903 and closes #1905


    • Fix NS updates. fix #1952


    • Update OpenVPN MS Windows 10 client’s bundle
    • Fix verify-x509-name


    • Fix typo. fix #1922


    • Upgrade SOGo and its deps


    • Improve device settings
    • Fix VM manage command to exit with status code 0 when the VM is finished in less than 30 seconds
    • Fix VM devices edit form
    • Fix VM shutdown
    • Fix VM hard disk version

Comments 3

  1. Pingback: Zentyal Server 6.2 发布下载,基于Ubuntu 18.04.4-三十一度

  2. Pingback: Выпуск серверного дистрибутива Zentyal 6.2 | AsaDagar

  3. Pingback: Выпуск серверного дистрибутива Zentyal 6.2 |

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