Zentyal announces Zentyal Server 4.1

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Zentyal Development Team is proud to announce Zentyal Server 4.1, a new release of the Zentyal Server with native Microsoft® Exchange protocol implementation and Active Directory interoperability.

This release is completely focused on improving the stability and set of features delivered by the OpenChange module, based on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS to provide the latest stable packages. This edition comes in two different flavors: development version, for bleeding edge testing of the latest available features and a stable commercial version for production environments.


Check out the feature list of Zentyal Server 4.1:

  • Mail
    • Native compatibility with Microsoft® Exchange Server Protocols
    • Support for Microsoft Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013
    • Native compatibility with Microsoft Active Directory®
    • Multiple Virtual Mail Domain
    • Email, calendars, contacts
    • Webmail
    • Synchronization with mobile devices (ActiveSync® support)
  • Domain & Directory
    • Central domain directory management
    • Users, Security Groups, Distribution Lists, Contacts
    • Multiple Organizational Units (OUs)
    • Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication
    • Supported OS: Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows® 8
    • File sharing in Windows® environments (CIFS)
    • Users & Groups access and modification permissions (ACLs)
    • Advanced domain management through the RSAT tools
    • Printers Management
  • Basic Networking and Firewall
    • Static and DHCP interfaces
    • Objects & Services
    • Packet Filter
    • Port Forwarding
  • Infrastructure
    • DNS Server
    • DHCP Server
    • NTP Server
    • Certification Authority
    • VPN Server & Client

To migrate from Zentyal 4.0 to 4.1, you only need to upgrade your 4.0 installation to the last available packages once they are released and a button will appear on the dashboard.

Important note: In order to focus on the improvement of the list of features above, we had to remove several packages. These are: antivirus, ha, jabber, l2tp, mailfilter, squid and trafficshaping. If you depend on the functionality of these additional packages, we suggest that you skip this update.


Zentyal Server 4.1 is released under the GPLv2 license and is freely available for download at:

The Zentyal Server source code is available at:

Additional information

The detailed Zentyal Server 4.1 release announcement is available at:

Zentyal Server 4.1 documentation will be shortly available at:

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