Zentyal macServer Crowdfunding Campaign Launched

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  • Zentyal aims at raising $120.000 to port Zentyal Server to macOS and bringing an easy-to-use server for Mac administrators and SMB customers around the globe

Today Zentyal macServer project launches on crowd-funding site Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/macSERVER. Starting from $49 for the Zentyal Book, the Mac administrators can back the project that aims at bringing an intuitive, professional and affordable all-in-one server to macOS.

Since Apple dismantled their macOS Server, the world-wide Apple platform with more than 100 million Macs is server-orphaned” said Sam W. Klambour, Zentyal macServer Product Evangelist, and continued “Currently there are 60,000 Mac channel partners, but not a single all-in-one server solution. This is a real pain that Zentyal can solve“.

Zentyal macServer will be based on the popular Zentyal Linux Server that was first launched in 2004. The development funded by this campaign will cover a new Zentyal core for macOS and porting of the most important Zentyal modules. This would allow to deploy Zentyal macServer as a domain & directory server, file server, mail, webmail, calendar & address book server and basic infrastructure server (DNS, DHCP and NTP).

Duration of the campaign is 40 days. If the crowdfunding campaign goal is reached, the Zentyal macServer development will start in July and the first stable version will be launched in December 2019. You can back the Zentyal macServer on their Indiegogo page now, starting at $49.

Additional information

Zentyal macServer Campaign Page at Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/macSERVER

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