Zentyal Server 6.0, major new version release now available

adminNews 4 Comments

Zentyal Development Team today announced Zentyal Server 6.0, a major new version release of the Zentyal Linux Server. This new version of Zentyal Server continues offering an easy-to-use Linux server with all the network services required in corporate environments and most importantly, native Microsoft Active Directory® interoperability.

Zentyal Server 6.0 is based on Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS and comes with the latest versions of all the integrated software. Besides providing new base distribution, this release focuses on providing improved Microsoft Active Directory® interoperability, integrating the latest stable Samba version. It also comes with the Linux 4.15 Kernel, providing support for the most recent hardware.

The new features include RADIUS – that allows access control to wireless networks and securing of critical enterprise networks, and Virtualization Manager, making it possible to run other virtualized machines on top of Zentyal Server. An important effort has also been put into bugfixing and usability improvements, specially in the core, the installer and also in the OpenVPN and Antivirus modules.

Technical features

New features and improvements include:

  • New base distribution: Ubuntu 18.04.1 Long Term Support
  • Linux 4.15 kernel with support for most recent hardware
  • Samba 4.7
  • New RADIUS module
  • New Virtualization Manager module

Full list of Zentyal 6.0 features is available at Zentyal Server Features.


Zentyal Server 6.0 is released under the GPLv2 license and is freely available for download at:

Download Zentyal Linux Small Business Server

The Zentyal Server source code is available at

Download Zentyal Server source code

Additional information

The detailed Zentyal 6.0 release announcement is available at:

Zentyal Server 6.0 Release Announcement

The full change log from Zentyal 5.1 to 6.0 is available at:

Zentyal Server 6.0 change log

Comments 4

  1. Does 6.0 include open exchange and support for outlook. Or does it include a webmail server? How to install the GUI version?

    1. Zentyal Server 6.0 can be deployed as a SMTP/IMAP-POP3 mail server (based on Dovecot, Postfix, Fetchmail and SOGo) – We support synchronization to Thunderbird mail clients and offer webmail and SOGo ActiveSync. Zentyal 6.0 does not include OpenChange. Please see the official documentation for further details: https://doc.zentyal.org/en/ and https://doc.zentyal.org/en/mail.html (the 5.1 documentation regarding mail is valid for 6.0 as well. The full documentation for 6.0 will be updated shortly).

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