Great interest in the Zentyal Introductory Course

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  • Over 600 students have joined the on-line course since its launch in May 2019

During the past three months, well over 600 students from Qatar to New Zealand have taken the free on-line course “Introduction to Zentyal Server. The course is aimed at IT professionals interested in deploying Zentyal Linux Server as a Windows Server replacement. It was created with the goal of providing a quick overview on Zentyal Server project and most importantly, help those interested in Zentyal to carry out their first installation correctly and to take the first steps with the system.

For the moment, students from 88 countries have joined the course. Most participants come from Latin America, Europe and North America, although there is also a growing number of students from African and Asian countries. As the official Zentyal Server documentation, the Zentyal Book and the paid-for Zentyal courses, also this free course is made available in both English and Spanish.

There is continuous enrollment on this 8-hour on-line course and each student completes it at her own pace. The course consists of theoretical and practical content, examples, exercises and a short final quiz. As this is an introductory-level course, the students only need to have basic knowledge on how to install and configure Zentyal Server using virtualization technology. The minimum hardware requirements are also low (2GHz processor, 3GB RAM) and all the required software (VirtualBox, Ubuntu Server LTS and Zentyal ISO) is available for free.

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